31 March 2009

Bypassing Serian

Enroute to Sri Aman i pass by Serian Town and managed to get a picture of the durian icon at the roundabout.

29 March 2009

At N.29 Batang Ai

The recently completed N. 29 Polling process is set to see two parties contesting to win the constituency. They are BN's Mr. Malcom Mussen Lamoh versus PKR's Mr. jawah Gerang. The sole Independent candidate Mr. Johnny Chuat pulled out in the last minute to give support to PKR. The nomination process went smoothly and credit goes to everyone there as there was no untoward incident. The Returning Officer Mr. nelson Mujah Girie made the announcement after recieving the nomination forms after the protest period was over.

Reaching Nomination Center

On reachng the nomination centre at Dewan Sukan Lubok Antu, i manage to see the various political parties and also the independent candidate, Mr. Johnny Chuat. He wa being interviewed by reporters.

Reaching Lubok Antu

Traffic jam developed before the Dewan Sukan KPSU as cars dropping of passengers, possiby supporters from various parties.

N.29 Nomination Day

Passing the Lubok Antu junction to go to the Nomination Centre.

28 March 2009

Gerakan Usahawan Betong

Fancy getting a piece of pua kumbu in Betong? Not only is there an Iban Cultural Symposium in Betong, the Majlis Pembangunan Usahawan Bahagian Betong or the Betong Entrepreneur Development Council is currently having its Gearakan Usahawan Mini at the open space at the main Dewan. Do drop by to see the various pua kumbu designs if you are nearby.

At Tinting Lalang

There is an ongoing Entrepreneurship function at Tinting Lalang this morning. The various agencies and participant will be sharing their experience on the rearing of catfish in plastic tanks. If you are in Lubok Antu town Tinting Lalang is just 15 minutes away. If you are within the 100 km radius just drop by. I will be around here. Cheers.

27 March 2009

Reaching Betong Junction

Arriving at Betong junction i saw Police roadblocks put up near the entrance to the town. The presence of Police is most welcome as it will ensure calm and order in this area. Betong is organising a Symposium for Iban Culture from 27th to 30th March and at the same time tehy have the Mini Gerak Usahawan.

Seeing Flying Statues

I am on the way to Betong to see the launching of the Iban Symposium in Betong. Right after that its straight to Lubok Antu to make sure the set up is ready and proper. On the way i passed the famous Peace Dove statues and was amazed to see it can move! Honest...i am not the type to make stories...hehe. Wait for my posting soon then.

26 March 2009

Playing Badminton

As i have not really learnt how to play golf well, i went to join my group of badminton buddies. We played at the Sri Aman Prison which provides a good environment for our game as the court is well maintained. Badminton allows those vented stress from a day's work on the shuttlecock, smashing the ball without restraint. I loved the part where the guys will challenge one another with the aim of distracting the opponents. Playing sports is good for one's health also as the occassional adrenaline pump clears those bad cholestrol. If you are not into sports do try to take up some physical activities.

Attending Farewell

Last night i attended a Welcoming and Farewell dinner at Tiara Restaurant for the outgoing District Engineer Mr. Ang and the incoming Engineer Mr. Meehan of Public Works Department (JKR) Sri Aman. It was a fun filled night and the JKR staff were very sporting. I had to sing a couple of old tunes as i was not familiar with the new songs. Thanks JKR Sri Aman and good luck to Mr. Ang. It has been quite an honour to work with you.

24 March 2009

Attending Corporatisation Seminar

Since i notice a weak Celcom signal i hope this post can be published. I am currently attending the Seminar on Corporatisation conducted for the Lubok Antu folks. The target groups for the seminar are the poor including the hard core poor, single parent, and the ordinary kampung and the longhouse folks. This is an ongoing program and not an instant program. The venue of this program is at the Dewan SALCRA Batang Ai.

Lubok Antu Junction

Arriving at LA junction. No Celcom signal soon.

23 March 2009

Watching News

Watching TV1 at Kpg Hilir Sri Aman when YAB Chief Minister spoke on BN's chance in the N.29 Batang Ai Constituency.

18 March 2009

Attending A Function in LA

The State Government is organising the handing over of fuel rebate assistance for outboard motor owners inLubok Antu. In this function the proposed BN candidate Mr. Malcolm Mussen is introduced to the Lubok Antu folks.

07 March 2009

Landing in Kuching

After a long 6 hours flight, i finally landed in Kuching. That was minus the one and half hour stopping for refueling and then lunch stopover. Quite a nice ride all the way though i got sunburn for sitting up front.

Over Mount Hossana Church

Flying high over Mount Hossana Church.

Over Sri Aman

View of Sri Aman town from the air. Its a good view for those who miss their hometown. Enjoy the view.

Preparing for Departure

After landing in Sri Aman ten minutes ago, from Lubok Antu' Captain Murugan who is our pilot makes a final check for the return flight to Kuching.

Over Lubok Antu

Surprisingly one can smell the oil palm odour from those smoke funnel. Imagine if you stay near the area.

Over Batang Ai

Hovering over Batang Ai to view the area. Wonderful scenery.


Landin at Rumah Sri Aman

About to Fly

Ready to take off for Sri Aman now, but waiting for the clouds to clear. Hoping for a safe journey.

06 March 2009

Visiting Hornbill Skyways

I dropped by Hornbill Skyways hangarto check out the availability of helis there for an ongoing project. The helis in the hangar are impressivey manyand new. I am also testing the editing capbility for my Mobile Blog. I must apologise again for those who left comments as i cannot go in blogger account to moderate them yet. I hope blogger can expediete thier efforts to rectify thisi glitch.

Blogger Hiccup

The screen says it and it has been like this for the past few days. I can't seem to go in and moderate comments. I can only access this from my hanphone and it only the Posting function. Hopefully it works out for blogger soon.

03 March 2009

Watching Forensics in Action

Police forensics at work now, investigating the break in at the Sri Aman Resident Office. The work requires patience and an eye for detail. A lot of work is needed to isolate the different set of fingerprints. I am impressed by the equipment our Police have in their arsenal to fight crime. Let's hope we can see some results.

Shocked that Office is Ransacked

Early in the morning i recieved a call my officers who were early birds to the office. I am informed that the office has been ransacked. The glass of the front door to our office was broken. A few items were missing and police are investigating.

02 March 2009

At An Accident

While driving along the Kuching - Serian Highway i passed by an accident involving a school bus/van. The van was seriously damaged and so was the other car which i believed was a Proton Aeroback. More info in my main blog when i get to office later.